Tuesday, June 30, 2009

July News

First Friday @ the Podjan's & Fireworks in Niles!
Meet at Matt & Kate's @ 4:30 for food and fun and then we'll carpool to Niles to watch the fireworks and hang out with our church family!

Jesus Culture
There are still a few spots left in Kate's van for the Jesus Culture conference in August. Get your registration completed and sign up for a ride ASAP! The next 3 people who sign up will receive a FREE Jesus Culture CD!

If you are currently in the bad or would like to join, there will be a MANDATORY meeting for all band members and their parents on Thursday, July 23 from 8-9 p.m. at the Podjan's house. If you (and a parent) do not come to this meeting, you will be ineligible to be in the band.
Also, the next band practice is scheduled for July 18 from 9:30-noon at the Worship & Ministry Center.

Tuesday Night Bible Study

Fools 4 Christ (6th-8th Grade)
Leaders: Matthew Podjan & Jamie Solloway

July 7 Daniel 5-6
July 14 Daniel 7-8
July 21 Daniel 9-10
July 28 Daniel 11-12

The Revolution (9th-12th Grade)
Leaders: Kate Podjan & Ray Thompson

We'll be studying the book of James for the month of July. Please read the entire book each week!

The Negative Splits (college-age & up)
Leaders: Nic Chaput & Becky Thompson

July 7 Genesis 3-44
July 14 Genesis 5-6
July 21 Genesis 7-8
July 28 Genesis 9-10

Soul Pardon Calendar
3: First Friday @ the Podjan’s (4:30pm)
Fireworks in Niles (7:00pm)
5: SP Band leads worship
11: Do Hard Things Tour in Chicago
18: SP Band practice (9:30am)
23: SP Band/Parent Meeting (8:00pm)

7: First Friday @ the Podjan's (6:00pm)
9: ODCF Picnic & Pool Party @ the Arndt's
15: Campus Awakening
19: SP Leader Meeting (8:00pm)
22: SP Band practice (9:30am)
23: SP Band leads worship

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